Gateway High School

Gateway High School marks the second adaptation of the New Era Prototype designed by BSSW Architects for the Lee County School District. This flexible three building plan features a 3-story academic building at the center, flanked by a Dining/Athletic facility on one side and an Arts Center on the other. Each building has a secured entry which ties the campus together and provides for a single point of entry as well as a public access entry, allowing autonomous use of the athletic and performing arts venue.

The school’s design provides enormous flexibility for site adaptation with three buildings and three outside courtyards; an Arrival Plaza, Dining Courtyard and a Arts/Reading garden. Gateway High School also features a welding lab and serves as a Lee County Public Shelter, providing refuge during catastrophic storms.

Project Size: 357,000 square feet

Location: FortMyers, FL

Completed: July 1st 2021

While based on the predecessor school, Bonita Springs High School, BSSW was able to utilize the flexible Prototype design and adapt it to meet the specific needs of Gateway High School and the community it serves. The student population was increased to 2000 student stations, adapting to the ever changing educational, safety and security standards of the District.

BSSW worked closely with School District staff to modify the classroom spaces and layouts as needed to meet the program requirements for this new high school. The exterior of the school was also re-imagined to blend the school into the community it serves.

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